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What Colour Coastline Cladding Should I Choose For My House?

So, you’ve made the right decision to improve your house by adding our coastline composite cladding, but how do you choose a colour? With so many beautiful colours on offer, we are here to help you make that decision a little easier.

To start with, let’s delve into the array of colours you can choose from. Our composite cladding gives you the choice of anthracite grey, moondust grey, pigeon blue, oyster white, soft green and taupe. To make these colours even more beautiful, our cladding is also finished with an embossed wood grain effect. To decide which colour to go with, let’s consider some important factors.

Position Of Your Home

Its important to think of the position of your home when deciding exterior colours, due to different lighting. If your house is north-facing, you may want to go for lighter colours, such as our oyster white. However, if your house is south-facing, this colour could appear too bright and so a darker colour would work well, such as our taupe.

Local Council Rules

You may live in a location in which your house must abide by certain design rules, such as colours and finishes, therefore it is always important to check with your local council. Once you know the correct information, you can choose your perfect colour.

Similar Neighbourhood Colours

Unless you want to stand out like a sore thumb, it’s always good to consider the colours in your neighbourhood and especially those of your immediate neighbours. It’s great to be different, but do you want to be known as the neon pink house on the street?

Colour Palette Of Your Home

Take a minute to analyse the colours used in and around your home, such as your doors and the roof. This way you can understand what colour cladding would blend in well with these, to form a beautiful picture once your cladding is finished. A useful tip to bear in mind is that lighter colours also make your house appear bigger, such as our oyster white or moondust grey.

Consider Your Natural Environment

Depending on where you live, different colours can complement your environment very well. If you live in the countryside or by the beach, blue and green work perfectly in this setting. For example, our pigeon blue or soft green would be the ideal choice to blend in with your surroundings.

A Modern Touch

If you are a fan of a more contemporary finish, grey is the best colour to go for as it can add a modern feel to your property. Grey is also a good choice for houses with flat roofs or designer homes, as it suits this aesthetic very well. Our anthracite grey or moondust grey would be the perfect choice to provide the vibe you are going for.

Now you have all the tips you need, why not check out our vast variety of coastline composite cladding? Enjoy!

Our team are more than happy to help you with any questions regarding this topic, so please do not hesitate to contact us.

Feel free to call us on 0333 090 9217 or email us at

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