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F-Sections: Essential Installation Advice for a Perfect Finish

F-Sections: Essential Installation Advice for a Perfect Finish

When it comes to completing a polycarbonate roof, ensuring a neat and professional finish is crucial. F-Sections, available in both PVC and aluminium, provide an excellent solution for this. In this guide, we’ll offer comprehensive advice on installing F-Sections, particularly aluminium F-Sections, for your DIY roofing project.

Why Use F-Sections for Your Roofing System?

F-Sections are typically placed on the open ends of a polycarbonate roof, finishing the left and right-hand sides. They help cover wooden rafters and purlins, providing a polished look. Here are the key benefits of using F-Sections:

  • Cost-effective: They are an affordable option for completing your roofing system.
  • Neat Finish: They offer a clean and professional finish to your polycarbonate roof.
  • Protection: They help protect the edges of the polycarbonate sheets and the underlying structure.

Installation Advice for Aluminium F-Sections

Positioning the F-Sections

For a durable and aesthetically pleasing polycarbonate roof, follow these steps to install your aluminium F-Section:

  1. Placement: F-Sections should be placed on the open ends of the polycarbonate roof sheets, at the left and right sides.
  2. Slotting the Sheets: The polycarbonate sheets should slot neatly between the prongs of the aluminium profile.

Securing the F-Section

You can install aluminium F-Sections in two ways:

  • To the End Rafter: Screw the side of the F-Section into the side of the end rafter.
  • To the Wall: Alternatively, screw the F-Section into the wall if installed in the opposite direction.

Method 1: PVC F-Sections Installation

  1. Placement: Insert the profile into the exposed end of the glazing bar.
  2. Fastening: Secure by pushing down the snapdown cap, working from one end to the other until the prongs click into the aluminium base of the glazing bar.

Method 2: Aluminium F-Sections Installation

  1. Sliding the Profile: Slide the aluminium profile over the edge of the polycarbonate sheet.
  2. Sealing: Run a bead of silicone along the profile to enhance waterproofing. Note that this method is not compatible with PVC-capped glazing bars, as the prongs are too deep to fit the glazing bar.

Ensuring a Watertight Finish

  • Silicone Application: For a watertight seal, run a line of silicone along the edge of the F-Section where it meets the polycarbonate sheet.

Additional Accessories for Your Polycarbonate Roofing System

To complete your DIY roofing project, consider these essential accessories:


Using aluminium F-Sections for your polycarbonate roof not only enhances the look of your roofing system but also ensures its durability and protection. Whether you're working on a DIY roofing project or a professional installation, following these steps will help you achieve a perfect finish.

By incorporating F-Sections, you’ll provide a polished and protective edge to your polycarbonate roof, ensuring it stands the test of time. Happy roofing!

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