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Installing EZ Glaze™ Glass-like Profiled Polycarbonate Panel: A Step-by-Step Guide

Installing EZ Glaze™ Glass-like Profiled Polycarbonate Panel: A Step-by-Step Guide

Are you planning a DIY roofing project and looking for a sleek, glass-like roof panel solution? EZ Glaze™ profiled polycarbonate panels offer an excellent alternative to traditional glass, providing durability and ease of installation. Here's a comprehensive guide to help you install these polycarbonate roof panels seamlessly.

12 Steps to Install EZ Glaze™ Polycarbonate Roof Panels

1. Rafter Spacing

  • Design: EZ Glaze is optimized for 50mm rafters.
  • Distance: Maintain a 600mm center-to-center spacing between rafters.
  • Alignment: Ensure rafters are perfectly perpendicular to the beams or wall.
  • Support: Only rafter support is required; no purlins needed.

2. Minimum Roof Slope

  • Slope: Ensure a minimum slope of 5% (50mm rise over a 1m length) for proper water runoff.

3. Apply Foamed Tape

  • Purpose: Apply foamed tape on each rafter to reduce friction caused by thermal expansion.

4. Place the First EZ Glaze Panel

  • Overhang: Leave a 50-150mm overhang when placing the first panel on the rafters.
  • Drilling: Pre-drill 10mm holes along the outer corrugation every 500mm. Place the first and last drills 30-50mm from the rafter’s top and bottom edges.

5. Fix the First EZ Glaze Panel

  • Fastening: Secure the panel's outer corrugation using specified screws and washers through the pre-drilled holes, starting from the bottom edge and working upwards.

6. Place the Second EZ Glaze Panel

  • Overlap: Lateral overlap the second panel with the first one.
  • Drilling: Pre-drill both panels together on the lateral overlap every 500mm.

7. Fix the Second EZ Glaze Panel

  • Fastening: Secure the overlapping panels using specified screws and washers, starting from the bottom edge and working upwards.

8. Complete the Installation

  • Repeat: Continue the process with the remaining panels, following steps 6 and 7.

9. Butyl Tape Application

  • Note: Butyl tape is not included in the EZ Glaze kit and must be applied separately if needed.

10. Install Head Wall Flashing

  • Note: Head wall flashing is not included in the EZ Glaze kit and should be installed separately.

11. Apply Silicone

  • Sealing: Use silicone for additional sealing where necessary.

12. Tools Required

  • Tools: You will need a drill, electric screwdriver, ladder, circular saw, jigsaw, and measuring tape.

Why Choose EZ Glaze™ for Your Roofing System?

EZ Glaze™ panels provide a modern, glass-like appearance that enhances the aesthetics of any structure. These polycarbonate roof panels are perfect for DIY roofing projects, offering ease of installation and long-lasting durability. With the right tools and careful adherence to the installation steps, you can achieve a professional-looking roofing system that stands the test of time.

Ready to transform your roof with EZ Glaze™? Follow this guide and enjoy the benefits of a beautiful, glass-like roofing solution.

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