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Sheet Closures: Content & Installation Advice for Your DIY Roofing Project

Sheet Closures: Content & Installation Advice for Your DIY Roofing Project

Embarking on a DIY roofing project with a polycarbonate roof? Ensuring a perfect finish is crucial for both aesthetics and functionality. Sheet closures, also known as end closures, finishing profiles, or U channels, are essential components of a durable and weatherproof roofing system. In this blog, we’ll explore the content and installation advice for sheet closures, providing you with all the information you need for a successful roofing project.

Understanding Sheet Closures

Sheet closures serve a vital role in completing the installation of your polycarbonate roof. They are used to seal the exposed ends of the polycarbonate sheets, typically at the lower ends near the gutter, but they can also be used at the top end if necessary. By forming a weatherproof seal, sheet closures prevent water ingress and extend the lifespan of your polycarbonate roofing system.

Standard Sheet Closure Specifications

Our standard length for sheet closures is 2100mm. These will usually need to be cut to size on-site to fit the specific dimensions of your polycarbonate sheets.

Basic Installation Advice


  1. Protective Film Removal: Begin by pulling back the PE protective film approximately 50mm on both sides of the polycarbonate sheet. This allows you to work without removing the full protection during installation.

Taping the Sheet Ends

  1. Aluminium Tape: Apply aluminium tape to the top exposed ends of the sheets. This provides a neat finish and additional protection.
  2. Anti-Dust Tape: Apply anti-dust tape to the bottom exposed ends of the sheets. This prevents dust and debris from entering the sheet ends, maintaining the clarity and cleanliness of your roofing system.

Cutting and Fitting the Sheet Closure

  1. Measurement: Measure the width of your polycarbonate sheet accurately.
  2. Cutting: If necessary, cut the sheet closure to match the size using a hack saw or chop saw.
  3. Silicone Application: Run a generous bead of silicone along the top section of the sheet closure to ensure a secure and weatherproof fit.
  4. Fitting: Push fit the sheet closure onto the polycarbonate sheet, ensuring a snug fit. Note that the sheet does not sit flush at the back of the sheet closure; an internal track prevents the sheet from touching the back, allowing for proper drainage and airflow.

Additional Accessories for Your Polycarbonate Roofing System

To complete your polycarbonate roofing project, you may need several additional accessories. These accessories ensure that your roof is securely installed and fully weatherproofed:

  • F Sections: For joining and sealing polycarbonate sheets.
  • Glazing Bars: Essential for connecting polycarbonate sheets and providing structural support.
  • Fixing Buttons: To securely fasten the polycarbonate sheets to the framework.
  • Lead Flashing: For sealing joints and edges, preventing water ingress.


Using sheet closures is a critical step in ensuring your polycarbonate roof is weatherproof, durable, and long-lasting. By following the proper installation advice and using the right accessories, you can achieve a professional finish on your DIY roofing project. Whether you're a seasoned DIY enthusiast or a first-time roofer, these tips will help you create a roofing system that stands the test of time.

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