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hardie plank cladding

Why choose Hardie Plank Fibre Cement Exterior Cladding Board?

Why choose Hardie Plank Fibre Cement Exterior Cladding Board?

It is important that you choose the right cladding for your home! With a huge choice of cladding products on the market it might be difficult to make the final decision. Cladding varies in colour, size, texture, finish and installation method which could make the decision even harder. However, there are various considerations to have in mind when choosing the right façade material for you.


While wood and UPVc cladding may be prone to fading and cracking, the Hardie Plank fibre cement’s natural composition can resist the effects of different weather conditions. Hardie Plank guarantees you a permanently beautiful and durable façade.

hardie plank cladding

Hardie Plank vs. wood cladding


Low maintenance

As a result of extreme weather conditions, wood external cladding needs to be maintained and repainted every 5 years. Similarly, UPVC cladding could be susceptible to discolouration and fading and cannot be repainted.

On the other hand, Hardie Plank offers a Colour Plus technology with multi-coat, baked-on finish that is more durable and will not fade in time which removes the need for regular maintenance.

hardie plank cladding

Hardie Plank vs. wood cladding


Fire resistance

Wood is naturally a flammable material and in case of fire wood burns quickly and easily, releasing a considerable amount of smoke and heat. Similarly, UPVC cladding can easily melt when exposed to fire.

Our Hardie Plank range does not ignite when exposed to direct flame or extreme heat. Our cement cladding boards are non-combustible with a fire classification of A2-s1, d0 – the highest possible fire rating for a coloured façade board.

Hardie Plank vs. wood cladding


Moisture resistance

Rain and humidity could cause cracks in paint on wood products due to their ability to expand and contract due to weather. Moisture could also cause rotting, swelling and shrinkage to wood cladding. UPVC cladding is also knowns as a susceptible product to cracking in cold weather conditions

Hardie Plank on the other hand is a tried and tested product, proven to offer long-lasting protection and stand up beautifully, whatever the weather!


Pest resistance

Pest infestation could occur where there is wood and UPVC cladding which could lead to the need for replacing the product in the long run.

Hardie Plank, however, is 100% resistant to pests and rodents!

Hardie Plank vs. wood cladding


You could find further product information on our Hardie Plank product page.

The product comes in various colour options such as:

  • Anthracite grey fibre cement exterior wall cladding (cedar or smooth)
  • Arctic white fibre cement exterior wall cladding (cedar or smooth)
  • Boothbay blue fibre cement exterior wall cladding (cedar or smooth)
  • Chestnut brown fibre cement exterior wall cladding (cedar or smooth)
  • Cobble stone fibre cement exterior wall cladding (cedar or smooth)
  • Evening blue fibre cement exterior wall cladding (cedar or smooth)
  • Grey slate fibre cement exterior wall cladding (cedar or smooth)
  • Heathered moss fibre cement exterior wall cladding (cedar or smooth)
  • Iron grey fibre cement exterior wall cladding (cedar or smooth)
  • Khaki brown fibre cement exterior wall cladding (cedar or smooth)
  • Light green fibre cement exterior wall cladding (cedar or smooth)
  • Light mist fibre cement exterior wall cladding (cedar or smooth)
  • Midnight black fibre cement exterior wall cladding (cedar or smooth)
  • Monterey taupe fibre cement exterior wall cladding (cedar or smooth)
  • Mountain sage fibre cement exterior wall cladding (cedar or smooth)
  • Pearl grey fibre cement exterior wall cladding (cedar or smooth)
  • Rich espresso fibre cement exterior wall cladding (cedar or smooth)
  • Sail cloth fibre cement exterior wall cladding (cedar or smooth)
  • Timber bark fibre cement exterior wall cladding (cedar or smooth)
  • Traditional red fibre cement exterior wall cladding (cedar or smooth)
  • Woodland crème fibre cement exterior wall cladding (cedar or smooth)


    All Hardie Plank products come with 15 years manufacturer guarantee.

    To find out how to install our cement cladding boards download our Hardie Plank Installation Guide.

    Previous article Fire Rated Cladding: What Is It and Why James Hardie Cladding is Our Top Pick

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